Serving thousands of Webmasters since 1997   
Increase Your Profits
Create Multiple Revenue Streams

Our award winning software allows you to instantly offer additional services to your current customer base. Forget the months of development time, purchase our software and be up and running right away.  View Products - View Services
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Sign up today for our support manager service to manage and organize your customers support inquiries.

Instantly improve your company's Customer Support
Do you have trouble being organized and prompt with your customer support? Not only does our service simplify the process of replying to emails, we give your customers access to a wide range of tools to help reduce support requests. With a minimal monthly investment our system can help you improve customer relations and in-turn increase revenues.

Automate Support Tasks
Our system allows your clients to automatically setup their own support account. Once they are logged into the system they can submit/respond to trouble tickets and browse your knowledge base.

Make it Fit into your Site
Once you become a member you will be able to customize all the pages your customers view when using the system. You can also add knowledgebase articles, perform live chat with your visitors and much more!

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$12.95 / Month
24/7/365 Access
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24/7 Customer Support

" After useing the support manager service, I am able to spend less time on my customer support inquiries and more time focusing on development. This service has been a great addition to my site! "
Design Innovation
Dan Tolsen

Those WT customers having problems with 404 errors. Download...
New LiveVisitor Server released. Take a look!
Major WebPromotion Server update in the works. Our scheduled...
AutoRespond Server released. We are working on releasing a f...
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