Serving thousands of Webmasters since 1997   
SpamProtect Server
Offer an Anti-Spam Service

This software allows you to easily start offering a full-featured anti-spam service to your customers. Start offering this extremely popular service to your customers today!
SpamProtect Server Features
The SpamProtect Server allows you to easily run an automated anti-spam service. The system is installed on your webserver and includes an admin area along with a client area where all your customers can login and manage their spam emails.

Charge your customers monthly fees and create an additional revenue stream for your business.

Admin Features

Client Features
  •  Session and cookie based authentication for maximum security
  •  Clients can add all their email accounts
  •  Uses an advanced Bayesian spam filter process
  •  Implement email deny list
  •  Implement email allow list
  •  Emails are filtered against a list of spam ip addresses
  •  Spam notification email is sent to sender with a not spam confirmation link

  • PHP 4 or 5
  • MySQL
  • Unix or Linux or Windows
  • Shared or Dedicated Server

Product Links

  • No Intial Fee
  • Free Upgrades
  • 24 / 7 Support
  • Cancel anytime

Revenue Calculator

# of subscibers/month

Monthly service charge



" More impressive than my original purchase, is the speed of new features being constantly banged out. You guys are on overdrive, whereas your competiton is still "considering" features that may be included for their next update in 6-9 months. Keep it up! "
HB Central
Diane Stevenson


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