Serving thousands of Webmasters since 1997   
Increase Your Profits
Create Multiple Revenue Streams

Our award winning software allows you to instantly offer additional services to your current customer base. Forget the months of development time, purchase our software and be up and running right away.  View Products - View Services
LiveVisitor Server Overview
The LiveVisitor Server allows you to monitor your visitors in real-time while being able to interact with them through live chat. This tool is essential for any online business and can drastically improve sales by identifying potential customers and approaching them with your sales strategy.

Charge your customers monthly fees and create an additional revenue stream for your business by offering visitor monitoring and chat functions.

Core Features
  • Start your own Visitor Monitoring and Live Chat Service
  • Use tools such as live chat, visitor information, traffic statistics and much more
  • Charge your clients monthly access fees
  • Integrate easily with top-tier credit card processor services.
  • Easily customize all email and html templates
  • Our software will pay for itself many times over!
  • Free installation
  • View Complete Features List
Products vs. Services Comparison

How can my business use this product?
The LiveVisitor Server is a simple to use tool that runs off of your web site. You can choose to use this tool as service for other web sites or just for your own web site. Installation is quick and easy and will allow you to have this tool up and running in no time.

Your customers will think the system was developed in-house. Everything is customizeable!


How can this product generate revenue for my business?
This illustration below shows how your business can start selling more services to your customers today by purchasing our software.


Product Links
  • No Intial Fee
  • Free Upgrades
  • 24 / 7 Support
  • Cancel anytime

Revenue Calculator
# of subscibers/month

Monthly service charge




" More impressive than my original purchase, is the speed of new features being constantly banged out. You guys are on overdrive, whereas your competiton is still "considering" features that may be included for their next update in 6-9 months. Keep it up! "
HB Central
Diane Stevenson


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