Serving thousands of Webmasters since 1997   
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Our award winning software allows you to instantly offer additional services to your current customer base. Forget the months of development time, purchase our software and be up and running right away.  View Products - View Services
All of our products allow you to easily offer additional services to your customers. Our out-of-the-box solutions have integrated merchant services and save your business development and downtime costs associated with expanding your service lineup.

LiveVisitor Server
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The LiveVisitor Server is an advanced visitor monitoring and live chat tool designed to increase visitor interaction and sale turn-overs. This tool is essential for any web site selling products or services.

Using Ajax technology, this tool can make it easy for site administers to track their visitors activity and put together an effective sales strategy.
AutoRespond Server
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Start your own auto-responder service. Charge your customers monthly membership fees to access this tried and tested marketing tool.

Millions of webmasters all over the world rely on automated opt-in emailing to generate sales from their leads and customer base.
WebPromotion Server
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Start your own advanced Website Promotion Service. Charge monthly membership fees to your customers for access to these cutting edge tools.

This system is based on search engine spidering. Meaning it tracks all the spider activity and visitor statistics to help your customers make more intelligent marketing and business decisions.
CustomerSupport Server
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Start your own Customer Support Service. Charge your customers monthly membership fees to manage their customer support duties from one single interface.

This system has it all; ticketing system, live chat, knowledge base ...
SpamProtect Server
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Start your own anti-spam service. Charge your customers monthly fees to automatically scan their email accounts for spam.

Spam is the most irritating problem with today's Internet. Virtually anyone with an email address is a potential customer.

Those WT customers having problems with 404 errors. Download...
New LiveVisitor Server released. Take a look!
Major WebPromotion Server update in the works. Our scheduled...
AutoRespond Server released. We are working on releasing a f...
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